
To ensure collaborators and visitors feel welcome, we have a code of conduct, please take a moment to read it!

There are several ways to collaborate to this project! please find them listed below:

Currently we are tackling these issues (all help and suggestions are welcome!)

Issues for the website itself:

- We want to reach as many people as possible! Therefore we would like to translate the website to as many different languages as we can:

- Spanish Done Thanks @pgpadilla

- German

- Italian

- French

- Portuguese Done

- Is your language not listed here? - No worries!

- If you would like to translate it to your language and you are familiar with Git systems, just fork this repo, translate the pages in a separate folder and make a pull request. If you are not familiar, drop us a line! we can get you up and going in no time! andremaia[at]

- More issues around the website can be found directly on the repository.

Issues around the survey:

- Similar to the website, we want the survey to be taken by many people, therefore we are looking for collaborators to translate it to different languages!

- Spanish Done Thanks @Gusma and @Thessaly!

- German Done Thanks @vektorius!

- Italian

- French Thanks @MaxZimmer

- Portuguese Done Thanks @amchagas

- Is your language not listed here? - No worries!

- If you would like to translate it to your language and you are familiar with Git systems, just fork this repo, translate the pages in a separate folder and make a pull request. If you are not familiar, drop us a line! we can get you up and going in no time! andremaia[at]

- More issues around the survey can be found directly on the repository.

Issues around hardware:

- Currently we are not developing hardware following the survey, but watch this space as issues and tasks for development will be placed here, as well as issues on the hardware repositories.

This project would not be possible without the invaluable help from many collaborators that have donated their time and effort to move things forward. Our many thanks to you! We hope that you feel and keep feeling that this was a good investment!